Au t om ot iv e L ou d s p e a k e r s
P -432, P -532, P -632, P -9632, P -9633,
P -332, P -6432, P -7532, P -23t & P -K it Ow n e r ’s M a n u a l
Installation of the P-332, P-6432 and P-7532, as shown in Figure 1.
Installation of the P-432, P-532, P-9632 and P-9633, as shown in Figures 2 and 3.
Figure 1.
Figure 2.
Figure 3.
Note: The P-332, P-6432 and P-7532 are designed as
direct replacem ents for original-equipm ent speakers
m ounted behind factory grilles.
Note: If you are m ounting the P-532, P-9632 or P-9633
behind factory grilles, om it the grille and grille tray in
Figure 2.
Note: Som e installations m ay require som e or all
of the m ounting ears to be rem oved from the P-432.
Rem ove your original speakers first to determ ine
whether any m ounting ears m ust be rem oved.
0 3
Installation of the P-632, as shown in Figures 4a and 4b. The P-632 uses J BL's Interm ount III™
m ounting system . Interm ount III™ provides for easy installation of these speakers in m any standard
and nonstandard locations that will accom m odate a 6-1/2" speaker.
Figure 4a.
Figure 4b.
Using Interm ount III™ in Am erican and J apanese cars with
openings for 6-1/2" speakers.
Using Interm ount III™ in European and Am erican 165m m
openings or custom -m ounting the speaker.
Im portant: When using the steel m ounting rings, you
m ust m ake sure that the rings are m ounted to a
com pletely flat surface.
0 4
Converting the P-432, P-532 and P-632 to a com ponent system using the optional P-Kit
(sold separately), as shown on pages 5 and 6.
Separating the tw eeter and w oofer, as shown in Figures 5a and 5b.
Figure 5a.
Figure 5b.
Rem ove the orange wire cover by inserting a sm all
Detach the tweeter by turning it counterclockwise to
unlock it, then pull it away from the woofer while feeding
the wires through the pole piece.
Install the woofer phase plug and turn it clockwise to lock
it in place.
screwdriver into the notch between the two term inals and
prying upwards. Disconnect the tweeter wires from the
term inal. Reinstall the cover after rem oving the tweeter.
0 5
Mounting the tw eeter (P-23t), as shown in Figures 6a
and 6b. The tweeter m ay be either surface-m ounted or
flush-m ounted with parts supplied in the P-Kit.
Connecting the w oofer and tw eeter to the
passive crossover, as shown in Figures 7a and 7b.
Figure 7a.
Figure 6a.
Position the "Lo Pass" and "Twt Frq" according to the
speaker you are using as shown in the callouts in Figure 7b.
Surface-m ounting the P-23t.
J um per Functions
Lo Pass (Low Pass): You m ay engage or disengage the
woofer low-pass filter with this jum per. Because the
natural rolloff of the P-532 and the P-632 begin at a lower
frequency than that of the P-432, this jum per should only
be in the "on" position when the P-432 is being used.
Figure 6b.
Twt Lvl (Tweeter Level): You m ay attenuate the level of
the tweeter's output using this jum per.
Twt Frq (Tweeter Frequency): Because the P-432 has
usable frequency response higher than that of the P-532
or P-632, th e optimum crossover frequen cy for the tweeter
is slightly higher when the P-23t is used with the 4" woofer.
Note: For the m ost accurate sound reproduction,
the jum per positions should be set according to J BL
recom m endations. If an alternate setting better suits
your preference or works better for your particular
installation, you m ay position the jum pers as you like
without affecting your warranty.
Rem ove the top of the passive crossover by squeezing
the sides and lifting off the top. Mount the crossover
with screws or wire ties through the m ounting holes.
Connect the wires between the crossover, and between
the woofer and tweeter as shown.
Note: You m ay upgrade the perform ance of the P-432,
P-532 or P-632 (when it is used as a m ultielem ent speak-
er) by utilizing the passive crossover contained in the
P-Kit and leaving the tweeter m ounted on the woofer.
Flush-m ounting the P-23t (use a hole saw to cut a 1-9/16"
hole in the m ounting surface).
0 6
P -432
P -532
P -632
P -9632
P -9633
4" 2-Way or
5-1/4" 2-Way or
6-1/2" 2-Way or
6" x 9" 2-Way
6" x 9" 3-Way
Com ponent System
Com ponent System
Com ponent System
Com ponent System
Com ponent System
with Optional P-Kit
Therm alum™
with Optional P-Kit
Therm alum™
with Optional P-Kit
Therm alum™
Woofer-Cone Material
Therm alum™
25Hz – 22kHz
Therm alum™
25Hz – 22kHz
Tw eeter-Diaphragm Material
Frequency Response
65Hz – 22kHz
55Hz – 22kHz
45Hz – 22kHz
Recom m ended Am plifier
Pow er Range as Multielem ent
5W – 120W
5W – 150W
5W – 175W
5W – 250W
5W – 250W
Recom m ended Am plifier Pow er
Range as Com ponent
5W – 175W
2" (51m m )
5W – 200W
5W – 225W
Mounting Depth
2-1/4" (57m m )
2-1/2" (64m m )
3-1/8" (80m m )
3-1/8" (80m m )
P -332
P -6432
P -7532
P -23t
P -Kit
3-1/2" 2-Way
Com ponent System
4" x 6" 2-Way
5" x 7" 2-Way or
Com ponent System
Com ponent
Conversion Kit
for P-432, P-532,
with Optional P-Kit
Therm alum™
P-632, P-7532
Woofer-Cone Material
Tw eeter-Diaphragm Material
Frequency Response
Therm alum™
70Hz – 22kHz
Therm alum™
65Hz – 22kHz
5kHz – 22kHz
45Hz – 22kHz
Recom m ended Am plifier
(with crossover)
Pow er Range as Multielem ent
5W – 90W
5W – 150W
5W – 175W
5W – 100W
Recom m ended Am plifier Pow er
Range as Com ponent
Mounting Depth
1-3/4" (45m m )
1-7/8" (48m m )
2-1/4" (58m m )
7/8" (23m m )
7/8" (23m m )
0 7
Declaration of Conformity
We, JBL Europe A/S
Kongevejen 194B
DK-3460 Birkerød
declare in own responsibility, that the products
described in this owner’s manual are in compliance
with technical standards:
EN 50081-1:1992
EN 50082-1:1992
Steen Michaelsen
JBL Europe A/S
Birkerød. DENMARK. 3/99
JBL Consumer Products, 250 Crossways Park Drive, Woodbury, NY 11797
800-336-4JBL (4525) Part No. POWSPKRSOM Made in China
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