Gives You
The Edge
That Counts.
EASTMAN 65 mm KEYKODEä Numbers
One-third Key Number
Matching Check Symbols
The key number +40, with bar code
and frame-reference dot, is offset 40
perforations from the main key number.
Use to identify short scenes which may
not include the main key number.
Two randomly selected symbols for additional
matching checks.
To Use: After matching key numbers and
checking picture, verify that same symbols are
located in same position on both the workprint
and the negative. Check symbols are another
aid in matching very short scenes. The solid
squares also serve as density patches to
evaluate edgeprint exposure.
EASTMAN KODAK Numbers Information
Encoded in USS - 128 Barcode
This edgeprint format pertains to all Eastman 65mm negative and intermediate films.
Two-thirds Key Number
Like the one-third key number,
but +80 perforations following
the main key number.
Frame-Reference Markers
A Dash, Key and Plus are printed at
regular intervals to help locate frame
lines, especially for scenes shot in
low light.
– Dash: Frame reference mark for
5- and 10-perf formats.
Key: Frame reference mark for
8-perf format.
+ Plus: Frame reference mark for
15-perf format.
(Every third dash is a plus)
To Use: Locate one frame line and
nearest reference marker for the
given film format. Count the number
of perforations between the frame
line and the marker. Use this perf
offset to identify the location of
frame lines throughout the scene.
Note: Frame-reference markers are
not printed when they interfere with
other edgeprint information.
Interval between main Keykode numbers increased from
80- to 120-perforations
Format for
Facilitates the development of software programs for accurate
electronic editing in all 65mm formats.
Two intermediate Keykode numbers offset 40- and 80-
perforations from the main Keykode number
An aid in matching short scenes which may not include the main
key number.
Larger (full-size) human-readable intermediate key numbers
Easier to read on original and intermediate films. More legible
on 35mm printdown workprint. Along with +40 and +80 perf
designators, the two alpha-characters preceding the key
number are half size to further indicate these are intermediate
key numbers.
65mm Film
Frame-reference marker (key) added for 8-perf format
A new reference symbol for quickly locating the frame lines of
dark scenes shot in the 8-perf format. (An addition to the dash
and plus symbols currently used to reference frame lines on
5-, 10- and 15- perf formats.)
New manufacturer identification code-22
Allows readers and software to automatically recognize the
new edgeprint format and accurately record Kodak Keykode
numbers from the new and previous formats, even when
intercut. Note: The identification code was 02 for the previous
65mm format.
New printer number sequence -91 and -92
Printer numbers (first two digits of the key number) are 91 or
92. Printer numbers for previous Kodak 65mm films were 01
or 02. On a negative cut list, the different numbers quickly
identify the edgeprint format of the film.
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